Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Turn up the volume

Every day around our house can be full of life and surprises. There's never a dull moment, whether you are changing a diaper while holding and consoling a crying toddler, or busy making breakfast for the entire family while trying to negotiate your way into a closed country via phone-call with a visa expediting service. Life can be challenging. Then . . . on top of it all, you begin an international ministry and two days later . . . you lose your job.
But our God is faithful and never, ever has an "uh-oh" moment. Nothing slips by Him and nothing can take Him by surprise.
So many of the day-to-day things that we try to pull off come by the hip. We have learned some great principles in life and do our best to apply them, but most of the time, we find ourselves dealing in a "reactive" mode. It is then, that what has been deposited inside of us by the Holy Spirit, comes out. He keeps us self-controlled and on track and we find our peace and exctasy in Him - thus avoiding perpetual meltdown.
More on these things in our book - Messes, Mayhem, and Miracles due to be published and released soon.

AC and Amy Curtis

Monday, April 20, 2009

Messes, Mayhem, and Miracles


Many of you know what it's like trying to raise a large family. But what many may not know is that God has called every one of us to fulfill His Great Commission, even when we have large families.
My wife, Amy, and I have six small children and we absolutely love them all. Each one has a specific gift and calling and that calling is first to Christ and His will. The thought hit me, we only have them in our care and under our jurisdiction for 18-20 years (some of you might differ with those ages, but by and by it isn't long) and the rest of their life is their's and God's. Think about it - we have them less than a fourth of their entire life (if they live to 80).
What happens with the rest of their life? We should be extra careful to not put on them what God has not and to make sure that we direct these little "Christ-followers" into His loving arms and His awesome, eternal dream.
Right now, I am writing a book with the same title as this blog, "Messes, Mayhem, and Miracles" and this points out some of our struggles to raise our six small children in a way as to identify with where most or you are. However, the book is about how we are all responsible to connect with and fulfill God's Great Commission, no matter what. This is a fun book to read full of funny stories, mainly about how much I blow it as a parent, but also with some great principles the Lord has taught us over the years.
We have dedicated our children to their original Creator because they are His and not ours. He wants to do something in them and with them. We tell them every night as we pray for them that God has called them to fulfill His dream and that He saved them because He loves them and so that He could use them to win millions to His kingdom.
It isn't easy fulfilling His call, but it is super-rewarding! I wouldn't have it any other way. As I watch my children at play or even sleeping, I cry and think of how hard it might be for them soon. Then, the Lord comes through and reminds me that they are His, and Amy and I are simply stewards of His gift.
I pray that you would be encouraged today as you struggle with raising children and yet following God's plan. Be encouraged - the single best thing you can do for those children is to FOLLOW GOD'S PLAN.
May the Lord strengthen and encourage you greatly today.

AC Curtis - missionary to the nations